
Mar 26, 2022 20:04:16 GMT
Post your plotters/shippers here. See if anyone wants to play! You can post single-plotters or multi-plotters, use templates or don't, whatever you'd like. Just have fun and get them characters up to no good!
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Here you have the option of posting any sort of tracker. Thread trackers, character trackers, or whatever else you think makes your roleplaying life easier.
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Looking for a specific character? Whether it's someone from your character's past — ex-lovers, siblings, childhood friends, parents, nemesis, etc. — or some pivotal character you need for a future plot... post your Wanted Ad here and see if anyone is interested enough to pick them up. Good luck!
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Here's where you can post any sort of "other" template. This would include any journals, playlists, moodboards, inventory upkeep, letter-exchanges, etc. Whatever ya got.
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